Search Results
The trygve programming language: Real Object-Oriented Programming, with James Coplien
A taste of trygve - James Coplien
Introduction to object-oriented programming for those who have never done it before [eng]/ J.Coplien
'A Glimpse of Trygve: From Class-oriented Programming to Real OO' - Jim Coplien [ ACCU 2016 ]
Ask Us Anything Panel with Kevlin Henney, James Coplien and Mark Richards
The Dehumanisation of Agile and Objects • James Coplien • GOTO 2017
I Don't Do C++ Ever and I Never Will, Class-Based "OOP" is a Fail, Jim Coplien is Right, Polymorphis
Discussion about DCI (Data Context Interaction) with James Coplien
Trygve Reenskaug - DCI: Re-thinking the foundations of object orientation and of programming [720p]
Entwicklertag 2016: How Agile and OO have lost their way together - James Coplien
James Coplien: The Architectural Voids of Change, The End User and Deep Knowledge